4 research outputs found

    Comparison Of Dt& Gbdt Algorithms For Predictive Modeling Of Currency Exchange Rates

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    Recently, many uses of artificial intelligence have appeared in the commercial field. Artificial intelligence allows computers to analyze very large amounts of information and data, reach logical conclusions on many important topics, and make difficult decisions, this will help consumers and businesses make better decisions to improve their lives, and it will also help startups and small companies achieve great long-term success. Currency exchange rates are important matters for both governments, companies, banks and consumers. The decision tree is one of the most widely artificial intelligence tools used in data mining. With the development of this field the decision tree and Gradient boosting decision tree are used to predicate through constructed intelligent predictive system based on it. These algorithms have been used in many stock market forecasting systems based on global market data. The Iraqi dinar exchange rates for the US dollar are affected in local markets, depending on the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Iraq and the features of that auction. The proposed system is used to predict the dollar exchange rates in the Iraq markets Depending on the daily auction data of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI). The decision tree and Gradient boosting decision tree was trained and testing using dataset of three-year issued by the CBI and compare the performance of both algorithms and find the correlation between the data. (Runtime, accuracy and correlation) criteria are adopted to select the best methods. In system, the characteristic of artificial intelligence have been integrated with the characteristic of data mining to solve problems facing organization to use available data for decision making and multi-source data linking, to provide a unified and integrated view of organization data


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    Reliability is one of the key factors used to gauge software quality. Software defect prediction (SDP) is one of the most important factors which affects measuring software's reliability. Additionally, the high dimensionality of the features has a direct effect on the accuracy of SDP models. The objective of this paper is to propose a hybrid binary whale optimization algorithm (BWOA) based on taper-shape transfer functions for solving feature selection problems and dimension reduction with a KNN classifier as a new software defect prediction method. In this paper, the values of a real vector that represents the individual encoding have been converted to binary vector by using the four types of Taper-shaped transfer functions to enhance the performance of BWOA to reduce the dimension of the search space. The performance of the suggested method (T-BWOA-KNN) was evaluated using eleven standard software defect prediction datasets from the PROMISE and NASA repositories depending on the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifier. Seven evaluation metrics have been used to assess the effectiveness of the suggested method. The experimental results have shown that the performance of T-BWOA-KNN produced promising results compared to other methods including ten methods from the literature, four types of T-BWOA with the KNN classifier. In addition, the obtained results are compared and analyzed with other methods from the literature in terms of the average number of selected features (SF) and accuracy rate (ACC) using the Kendall W test. In this paper, a new hybrid software defect prediction method called T-BWOA-KNN has been proposed which is concerned with the feature selection problem. The experimental results have proved that T-BWOA-KNN produced promising performance compared with other methods for most datasets.Niezawodno艣膰 jest jednym z kluczowych czynnik贸w stosowanych do oceny jako艣ci oprogramowania. Przewidywanie defekt贸w oprogramowania SDP (ang. Software Defect Prediction) jest jednym z najwa偶niejszych czynnik贸w wp艂ywaj膮cych na pomiar niezawodno艣ci oprogramowania. Dodatkowo, wysoka wymiarowo艣膰 cech ma bezpo艣redni wp艂yw na dok艂adno艣膰 modeli SDP. Celem artyku艂u jest zaproponowanie hybrydowego algorytmu optymalizacji BWOA (ang. Binary Whale Optimization Algorithm) w oparciu o transmitancj臋 sto偶kow膮 do rozwi膮zywania problem贸w selekcji cech i redukcji wymiar贸w za pomoc膮 klasyfikatora KNN jako nowej metody przewidywania defekt贸w oprogramowania. W artykule, warto艣ci wektora rzeczywistego, reprezentuj膮cego indywidualne kodowanie zosta艂y przekonwertowane na wektor binarny przy u偶yciu czterech typ贸w funkcji transferu w kszta艂cie sto偶ka w celu zwi臋kszenia wydajno艣ci BWOA i zmniejszenia wymiaru przestrzeni poszukiwa艅. Wydajno艣膰 sugerowanej metody (T-BWOA-KNN) oceniano przy u偶yciu jedenastu standardowych zestaw贸w danych do przewidywania defekt贸w oprogramowania z repozytori贸w PROMISE i NASA w zale偶no艣ci od klasyfikatora KNN. Do oceny skuteczno艣ci sugerowanej metody wykorzystano siedem wska藕nik贸w ewaluacyjnych. Wyniki eksperyment贸w wykaza艂y, 偶e dzia艂anie rozwi膮zania T-BWOA-KNN pozwoli艂o uzyska膰 obiecuj膮ce wyniki w por贸wnaniu z innymi metodami, w tym dziesi臋cioma metodami na podstawie literatury, czterema typami T-BWOA z klasyfikatorem KNN. Dodatkowo, otrzymane wyniki zosta艂y por贸wnane i przeanalizowane innymi metodami z literatury pod k膮tem 艣redniej liczby wybranych cech (SF) i wsp贸艂czynnika dok艂adno艣ci (ACC), z wykorzystaniem testu W. Kendalla. W pracy, zaproponowano now膮 hybrydow膮 metod臋 przewidywania defekt贸w oprogramowania, nazwan膮 T-BWOA-KNN, kt贸ra dotyczy problemu wyboru cech. Wyniki eksperyment贸w wykaza艂y, 偶e w przypadku wi臋kszo艣ci zbior贸w danych T-BWOA-KNN uzyska艂a obiecuj膮c膮 wydajno艣膰 w por贸wnaniu z innymi metodami


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    Recently, many uses of artificial intelligence have appeared in the commercial field. Artificial intelligence allows computers to analyze very large amounts of information and data, reach logical conclusions on many important topics, and make difficult decisions, this will help consumers and businesses make better decisions to improve their lives, and it will also help startups and small companies achieve great long-term success. Currency exchange rates are important matters for both governments, companies, banks and consumers. The decision tree is one of the most widely artificial intelligence tools used in data mining. With the development of this field the decision tree and Gradient boosting decision tree are used to predicate through constructed intelligent predictive system based on it. These algorithms have been used in many stock market forecasting systems based on global market data. The Iraqi dinar exchange rates for the US dollar are affected in local markets, depending on the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Iraq and the features of that auction. The proposed system is used to predict the dollar exchange rates in the Iraq markets Depending on the daily auction data of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI). The decision tree and Gradient boosting decision tree was trained and testing using dataset of three-year issued by the CBI and compare the performance of both algorithms and find the correlation between the data. (Runtime, accuracy and correlation) criteria are adopted to select the best methods. In system, the characteristic of artificial intelligence have been integrated with the characteristic of data mining to solve problems facing organization to use available data for decision making and multi-source data linking, to provide a unified and integrated view of organization data

    Hybrydowy, binarny algorytm WOA oparty na transmitancji sto偶kowej do prognozowania defekt贸w oprogramowania

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    Reliability is one of the key factors used to gauge software quality. Software defect prediction (SDP) is one of the most important factors which affectsmeasuring software's reliability. Additionally, the high dimensionality of the features has a direct effect on the accuracy of SDP models.The objective of this paper is to propose a hybrid binary whale optimization algorithm (BWOA) based on taper-shape transfer functions for solving feature selection problems and dimension reduction with a KNN classifier as a new software defect prediction method. In this paper, the values of a real vector that representsthe individual encoding have been converted to binary vector by using the four types of Taper-shaped transfer functionsto enhance the performance of BWOA to reduce the dimension of the search space. The performance of the suggestedmethod (T-BWOA-KNN)was evaluatedusing eleven standard software defect prediction datasets from the PROMISE and NASA repositories depending on the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifier. Seven evaluation metrics have been used to assess the effectiveness of the suggested method. The experimental results have shownthat the performanceof T-BWOA-KNNproduced promising results compared to other methods including ten methods from the literature, four typesof T-BWOAwith the KNN classifier. In addition, the obtained results are compared and analyzed with other methods from the literature in termsof the average numberof selected features (SF) and accuracy rate (ACC) using the Kendall W test. In this paper, a new hybrid software defect prediction methodcalledT-BWOA-KNNhas been proposed which is concerned with the feature selection problem. The experimental results have provedthatT-BWOA-KNN produced promising performance compared with other methods for most datasets.Niezawodno艣膰 jest jednym z kluczowych czynnik贸w stosowanych do oceny jako艣ci oprogramowania.Przewidywanie defekt贸w oprogramowania SDP (ang. Software Defect Prediction) jest jednym z najwa偶niejszych czynnik贸w wp艂ywaj膮cych na pomiar niezawodno艣ci oprogramowania. Dodatkowo, wysoka wymiarowo艣膰 cech ma bezpo艣redni wp艂yw na dok艂adno艣膰 modeli SDP.Celemartyku艂u jest zaproponowanie hybrydowego algorytmu optymalizacji BWOA (ang. Binary Whale Optimization Algorithm) w oparciu o transmitancj臋 sto偶kow膮 do rozwi膮zywania problem贸w selekcji cech i redukcji wymiar贸w za pomoc膮 klasyfikatora KNN jako nowej metody przewidywania defekt贸w oprogramowania.W artykule, warto艣ci wektora rzeczywistego, reprezentuj膮cego indywidualne kodowanie zosta艂y przekonwertowane na wektor binarny przy u偶yciu czterech typ贸w funkcji transferu w kszta艂cie sto偶ka w celu zwi臋kszenia wydajno艣ci BWOA i zmniejszenia wymiaru przestrzeni poszukiwa艅.Wydajno艣膰 sugerowanej metody (T-BWOA-KNN) oceniano przy u偶yciu jedenastu standardowych zestaw贸w danych do przewidywania defekt贸w oprogramowania z repozytori贸w PROMISE i NASA w zale偶no艣ci od klasyfikatora KNN. Do oceny skuteczno艣ci sugerowanej metody wykorzystano siedemwska藕nik贸w ewaluacyjnych. Wyniki eksperyment贸w wykaza艂y, 偶e dzia艂anie rozwi膮zania T-BWOA-KNN pozwoli艂o uzyska膰obiecuj膮ce wyniki w por贸wnaniu z innymi metodami, w tym dziesi臋cioma metodami na podstawie literatury, czterema typami T-BWOA z klasyfikatorem KNN. Dodatkowo, otrzymane wyniki zosta艂y por贸wnanei przeanalizowane innymi metodami z literatury pod k膮tem 艣redniej liczby wybranych cech (SF) i wsp贸艂czynnika dok艂adno艣ci (ACC), z wykorzystaniem testu W.Kendalla. W pracy, zaproponowano now膮 hybrydow膮 metod臋 przewidywania defekt贸w oprogramowania, nazwan膮 T-BWOA-KNN, kt贸ra dotyczy problemu wyboru cech. Wyniki eksperyment贸w wykaza艂y, 偶e w przypadku wi臋kszo艣ci zbior贸w danych T-BWOA-KNN uzyska艂a obiecuj膮c膮 wydajno艣膰w por贸wnaniu z innymi metodami